Reading Evolutionary Biology Group

FabricPostProcessor V1.0.0 March 2022


This post-processor implements the selection criteria that we apply to the stationary Markov chain to identify ‘significant’ directional and evolvability parameters in applications of the Fabric model. The post processor converts the results of a BayesTraits run which includes evolvability scalars and directional change (betas) estimated using RJ MCMC into a table format, for further analysis. The script takes the tree file used in the BayesTraits analysis and the “.VarRates.txt” and “.Log.txt” file produced by the analysis and outputs a tab delimited table summarising the results on a per node bases

FabricPostProcessor V1.0.0 Manual (PDF)

FabricPostProcessor - Windows 64
FabricPostProcessor - Linux 64
FabricPostProcessor - OS X

Source code
FabricPostProcessor - Github

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